機械英語翻譯,懇求翻譯下面句子,本人 不勝感謝!!

2023-02-19 11:45:10 字數 686 閱讀 4641


the machine's tail board's convixty was supposed to be 5 milimeter, but it's now 15milimeter because of our supplier's processing mistakes which results in the guide pillar out of the tail board's face.

我也盡力翻譯了,句式有點複雜,先說了結果然後引出原因狀語從句,然後講了另一個結果狀語,還被後面的內容定了一下,措辭我都好好考慮過呢,這絕對是高檔英語句型。但是我只有80%的把握啊,如果你知道正確答案了希望告訴我一聲,不吝賜教! o(∩_o


made by our supplier,the wrong dimension of convex of the machine tail-board,mistake 5mm for 15mm,made guide pillar stick out the end face of tail-board.

一樓和二樓的很好,但一樓把導柱翻譯成「column-exposed face」,我這個機械專業的看不懂。二樓把露出翻譯成「out of 」,不妥,那是完全在外的意思。



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