
2021-09-28 23:55:06 字數 1734 閱讀 3520




1.where's your mobile phone?it's under the book.

it isn't there now.it was there a moment ago.

2.where's your cd walkman?it's on the sofa.

it isn't there now.it was there a moment ago.

3.where's your diary?it's in the desk.it isn't there now.it was there a moment ago.

4.where's your news*****?it's on the table.

it isn't there now.it was there a moment ago.

5.where's your film?it's near the camera.

it isn't there now.it was there a moment ago.

6.where's your guitar?it's near the desk.

it isn't there now.it was there a moment ago.

7.where are your glasses?they're in the bag.

they aren't there now.they were there a moment ago.

8.where are your earphones?they're on the book.

they aren't there now.they were there a moment ago.

9.where are your shoes?they're under the table.

they aren't there now.they were there a moment ago.

10.where are your magazines?they're on the bed.

they aren't there now.they were there a moment ago.

11.where are your flowers?they're behind the picture.

they aren't there now.they were there a moment ago.

12.where are your photos?they're near the notebook.

they aren't there now.they were there a moment ago.

蘇教版六年級數學上冊 家庭作業書答案,第三單元檢測,狂求!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 20







2019六年級上冊英語書的let talk翻譯

翻譯 1 wuyifan robin,where is the museum?i want to buy a postcard.吳一凡 羅賓,博物館的商店在哪兒?我想要買一張明信片。2 robin it s near the door.羅賓 在大門附近。3 wu yifan thanks.where...


開頭 國家,人民安居樂業,豐衣足食,其樂融融 街道,行人互相謙讓,笑面相對,其樂融融 公園,老人悠閒晨練,健康硬朗,其樂融融 家庭是社會的細胞,和諧社會離不開家庭和諧,對於家庭,每個人都有自己的理解。家是心靈的歇息地,家是生活的加油站,家是快樂的安樂窩,家是煩惱時的出氣所。人們常說 家和萬事興 我們...


我知道有一題的答案是abb ba 至少給份試卷吧,俺們還沒考呢.俺還想知道呢.o6 t4ety432 作文是 在放學或放學的路上 作文就是 那件事,真感人 唉,你們動腦筋想一想,考試了忘記了怎麼辦 堅持,我明天就考第三單元了 我也不知道,讓學生自己做去!egergegrrtyree 小學六年級上冊語...