用there is are some造句子

2021-04-15 17:43:28 字數 1674 閱讀 9232


如果是加some的話前面只能用are,句子很好造啊, 如果內是簡單容

there are there is造5個句子


there are there is造5個句子there are five people here.這裡有5個人。

there is a dog over there.那邊有一隻狗狗。

there are two girl students singing in the classroom.教室裡有兩名女同學在唱歌。

there is little milk left in the bottle.瓶子裡幾乎沒牛奶了。


there are many books on the desk.

there are a lot of beautiful flowers in the shop.

there are some boys on the playground.

there is a big park next to the hospital.

there is a **all cat in the corner.ok?

用there is和there are造句每個造五句,不用很長


there is a boy under the tree. 樹底下有一個男孩。

there are a crowd of boys under the tree. 樹底下有一一群男孩。

there is a book beside the notebook. 筆記本旁邊有一本書。

there are a lot of books on the bookshslves. 書架上有許多書。

there is a child and some women by the lake. 湖邊有一個小孩子和幾個女人。

there are some women and a child by the lake. 湖邊有幾個女人和一個小孩子。

there is some water in the bottle. 瓶子裡有些水。

there are some fish in the water. 水裡有幾條魚。

there is an english party this evening. 今天晚上有英語晚會。

there are different competitions this term. 本學期有不同的比賽。


there are only nineteen pen.


用there are造句10個


a school dental service exists in theory, but in practice, there are few dentists to work in them.

照理說,學校也有牙醫診所,可實際上,裡面的牙醫寥寥無in india, there are fifteen official languages.



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即使,也 是轉折關聯詞 造句 即使他生病了,作業也會完成的。即使他贏,我也要輸。用即使也造句,用即使也,用即使也怎麼造句 即使你成功了,也不能驕傲.即使成功路上困難重重,你也不能輕易放棄!路過。即使我在這裡給你碼字 你也不會把最佳給我。即使你不愛我,我也愛你,呵呵 即使天亮了我也睡不著!即使這件事情...


1在我們的成長 bai之路中du,我們理應勇往直前,即使遇到再zhi大的困dao難,我們也要盡力克服。專 2即使我遇到天大的困難屬,但我相信努力去做,也會取得成功。3即使老師沒在教室,同學們也很安靜。4即使你們百般勸阻,也挽回不了我的一顆愛國的心!5即使你很聰明,但上課也要認真聽講,不然你就會退步的...