
2022-12-17 04:50:11 字數 1583 閱讀 5348


rock with you 與你共舞

[1st verse]

girl, close your eyes 女孩啊,閉上眼睛

let that rhythm get into you 讓節奏與你融為一體

don't try to fight it 不要試圖抗拒

there ain't nothin' that you can do 因為你無法抵擋

relax your mind 放鬆心情

lay back and groove with mine ;跟著我輕輕起舞

you got to feel that heat 快去感受那份興奮

and we can ride the boogie 這樣我們才能繼續搖擺

share that beat of love 分享那愛的節拍   [chorus]

i wanna rock with you (all night) 我想與你共舞(整個晚上)

dance you into day (sunlight) 一直跳到天亮(陽光萬丈)

i wanna rock with you (all night) 我想與你共舞(整個晚上)

we're gonna rock the night away 我們將徹夜狂歡

[2nd verse]

out on the floor 舞池之上

there ain't nobody there but us 只有我倆

girl, when you dance 女孩啊,當你起舞之時

there's a magic that must be love 神奇的愛戀昇華在我心間

just take it slow 不要著急

'cause we got so far to go 我們的愛前程漫漫

when you feel that heat 快去感受那份興奮

and we're gonna ride the boogie 這樣我們才能繼續搖擺

share that beat of love 分享那愛的節拍


i wanna rock with you (all night) 我想與你共舞(整個晚上)

dance you into day (sunlight) 一直跳到天亮(陽光萬丈)

i wanna rock with you (all night) 我想與你共舞(整個晚上)

we're gonna rock the night away 我們將徹夜狂歡

you know that love survives 但你知道,只要愛在心中倖存

so we can rock forever, on 我們就能繼續搖擺,直到永遠


i wanna rock with you 我要與你共舞

i wanna groove with you 我要與你搖擺

i wanna rock with you 我要與你共舞

i wanna groove with you 我要與你搖擺


目測billie jean


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