
2022-02-20 19:05:48 字數 917 閱讀 2575


if you want to be a computer program,you must study math and english well .when you become a computer program,you maybe gain much money ,and at present,computer program is a popurlor job,also bill gates the richest man is a computer program.but ,it is impossible everyone can be a computer program ,most of them are near-sighted,and they allways face computer,this is bad for their health.


if you want to be a programmer ( computer program ), you must learn english and math well. when you become a programmer, you may earn a lot of money, and the programmer is now a popular professional, the richest man at the present -- bill gate is also a programmer. however, not everyone has the ability to be a programmer, most programmers are suffering from myopia, and every day they need to face to the computer, it will be do harmful to their bodies.

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