
2021-03-03 22:53:19 字數 1243 閱讀 1784


repmat是將矩陣按要求擴增。 repmat([1:n]',[1,2])):就是將[1:n]'看成一個整體,就相當於一個元素,將這個大的「元素」


repmat replicate and tile an array.

b = repmat(a,m,n) creates a large matrix b consisting of an m-by-n

tiling of copies of a. the size of b is [size(a,1)*m, size(a,2)*n].

the statement repmat(a,n) creates an n-by-n tiling.

b = repmat(a,[m n]) ac***plishes the same result as repmat(a,m,n).

b = repmat(a,[m n p ...]) tiles the array a to produce a

multidimensional array b ***posed of copies of a. the size of b is

[size(a,1)*m, size(a,2)*n, size(a,3)*p, ...].

repmat(a,m,n) when a is a scalar is ***monly used to produce an m-by-n

matrix filled with a's value and having a's class. for certain values,

you may achieve the same results using other functions. namely,

repmat(nan,m,n) is the same as nan(m,n)

repmat(single(inf),m,n) is the same as inf(m,n,'single')

repmat(int8(0),m,n) is the same as zeros(m,n,'int8')

repmat(uint32(1),m,n) is the same as ones(m,n,'uint32')

repmat(eps,m,n) is the same as eps(ones(m,n))


這個命令就是從矩陣i中取出一個n階行列式,就是到i的第1行到第n行加上第1行到第n列的資料。下面是一個例子 a rand 4,5 產生隨機陣列,每次執行結果不一定相同 i 4 b a 1 i,1 i 結果為 a 0.6557 0.6787 0.6555 0.2769 0.6948 0.0357 0....

在數列an中,an 3 n 1 a n 1n 2)求an

像這種數列題,一般是通過累加法做出。有an 3 n 1 a n 1 a n 1 3 n 2 a n 2 a n 2 3 n 3 a n 3 a2 3 a1,相加,得an 3 n 1 3 n 2 3 a1,當n 1時,有a1 1.故,an是以3為比值的等比數列。即an 3 n 1 2.下面用數學歸納法...

columns 1 什麼意思,matlab中A ,1 是什麼意思

描述只讀屬性,返回 textstream 檔案中當前字元位置的列號。語法object.column object 通常是 textstream 物件的名稱。說明在寫入新行字元後,但在寫其他字元前,column 等於 1。columns 塔器網路釋義 columns 圓柱 蒸餾塔 返回引用中的列數de...