
2022-08-20 07:15:18 字數 1048 閱讀 7349



i can give you a 5% off on the price. the detailed process is as following: you place the order first and without payment.

then we will modify the price after we receive the order. but we can only give you 5% discount on the product, but not the transport expense. therefore, the final price will be calculated like this:

total amount of the goods*95%+freight (transportation cost). after receiving your payment for the order, we will deliver the goods via dhl, which may take 4 days to reach you.


hello, we can give you a 5% discount. specific processes operation is as follows: first, you order, do not pay --- we receive orders, and modify the order price --- we can only give you a 5% discount on merchandise, postage not.

therefore, we give you a discount on the final manner, the amount of goods * 95% + postage. ---- you pay the revised amount of orders --- we shipped. delivery to your hands for dhl is expected to take four days time.


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