求take me to your heart帶翻譯的歌詞

2022-02-28 19:02:35 字數 1997 閱讀 6657


baby won't you tell me why?寶貝不要告訴我為什麼

there is sadness in your eyes.你的眼底寫著悲咽

i don't wanna say goodbey to you.我不想就此與你告別

love is one big illusion!愛是一場幻滅

l should try to forget.我該盡力將其忘卻

but there is something left in my head.但我的心中總留存著一種感覺

you're the one who set it up.是你帶給我這種感覺

now you're the one to make it stop.又是你將它澆滅

i'm the one who's feeling lost right now.現在我的心早已迷失方向

now you want me to forget.現在你要我忘卻

every little thing you said.你所說的一切

but there is something left in my head.但我心中總留存著一種感覺

i won't forget the way you're kissing.我忘不了你親吻的熱烈

the felling's so strong 這深摯的情感

were lasting for so long!將綿綿不絕

but l'm not the man ur heart is missing!但我卻不是你心中想念的男人

that's why you go away l know!那正是為何你不辭而別

you were never satisfied.我知道無論我怎樣努力

no matter how l tried.也無法使你滿意

now you wanna say goodbye to me.現在你要向我告別

love is one big illusion!愛是一場幻滅

i should try to forget!我該盡力將其忘卻

but there is something left in my head!但我心中總留存著一種感覺

i won't forget the way you're kissing!我忘不了你親吻的熱烈

the felling's so strong!這深摯的情感

were lasting for so long!將綿綿不絕

but l'm not the man ur heart is missing!但我卻不是你心中想念的男人

that's why you go away l know!那正是為何你不辭而別

yes l know !是的,我知道

sitting here all alone.孤獨的坐在這

in the middle of nowhere.不知身在何處

don't know which way to go.不知該何去何從

there airn't so much 2 say now between us.你我已相對無言

there ain't so much for you.你不再意味著什麼

there ain't so much for me anymore.對你我已冷卻了心情對我你也有同感

i won't forget the way you're kissing!我忘不了你親吻的熱烈

the feeling's so strong.這深摯的情感

were lasting for so long!將綿綿不絕

but l'm not the man ur heart is missing!但我卻不是你心中想念的男人

that's why you go away l know!那正是為何你不辭而別

that's why you go away l know!那正是為何你不辭而別



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