as old as Grace寫出兩個同義句)

2022-12-24 23:30:17 字數 730 閱讀 6455


1. 用has也可以,不過用is更常見。

還可以 = linda and grace are of a height.

= linda and grace are of the same height.

= linda is no shorter than grace.

2. = linda is (of) the same age as grace.

= linda and grace are of the same age.

= linda and grace are of an age.

= linda is no younger than grace.


1. 用is 更好些,更符合英語國家人的習慣用法。

linda is no shorter than grace.

linda and grace are of a height.

linda and grace are of the same height.

2. linda and grace are of the same age.

linda and grace are of an age.

linda and grace were born in the same year.

linda is the same age as grace


含有一對反義詞的成語 悲歡離合 古今中外 古往今來 天南地北 出生入死 今是昨非 1和2位是反義詞的成語 悲喜交加 黑白分明 功敗垂成 進退兩難 進退維谷 輕重緩急 輕重倒置 生死存亡 生死攸關 始終如一 是非曲直 陰陽怪氣 左右逢源 1和3位是反義詞的成語 南轅北轍 南腔北調 南征北戰 內憂外患 ...

1 寫出兩句描寫小鳥的詩句2 寫出兩句表示思念家鄉或親人的

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自暴自棄 暴 糟蹋 損害 棄 鄙棄。自己瞧不起自己,甘於落後或墮落。自吹自擂 擂 打鼓。自己吹喇叭,自己打鼓。比喻自我吹噓。自吹自捧 自我吹噓,自己捧場。自產自銷 自己生產自己銷售。自僝自僽 僝 僽 煩惱,埋怨。自尋煩惱,自相埋怨 自動自覺 自己主動去做。自高自大 自以為了不起。自驚自怪 自己覺得又...