
2021-06-16 00:02:01 字數 4892 閱讀 8188


01. main title - mark mancina

02. bach / break - steve erdody and jonathan rhys meyers

03. moondance - featuring jonathan rhys meyers

04. this time - jonathan rhys meyers

05. bari improv - kaki king

06. ritual dance - kaki king

07. raise it up - jamia simone nash and impact repertory theater

08. dueling guitars - heitor pereira and doug smith

09. elgar/something inside - steve erdody and jonathan rhys meyers

10. august's rhapsody - featuring freddie highmore - mark mancina

11. someday - john legend

12. king of the earth - john ondrasik

13. god bless the child - chris botti and paula cole

14. la bamba - leon thomas iii

15. moondance - chris botti



01 main title - mark mancina

02 bach/break - steve erdody and jonathan rhys meyers

03 moondance - featuring jonathan rhys meyers(天台上男主角清唱的)

04 this time - jonathan rhys meyers(酒吧舞臺上唱的)

05 bari improv - kaki king(小男孩第一次在那個屋子裡彈的)

06 ritual dance - kaki king(小男孩在廣場上亮相時彈的)

07 raise it up - jamia simone nash and impact repertory theater(小男孩逃到教堂時,那幾個黑人在唱的歌曲)

08 dueling guitars - heitor pereira and doug smith(小男孩和男主人公在廣場上的吉他合奏)

09 elgar/something inside - steve erdody and jonathan rhys meyers


10 august's rhapsody - featuring freddie highmore - mark(影片最後小男孩上臺指揮的那首**)

11 someday - john legend

12 king of the earth - john ondrasik

13 god bless the child - chris botti and paula cole

14 la bamba - leon thomas iii(黑人小男孩第一次廣場亮相時唱的歌曲)

15 moondance - chris botti





01. main title - mark mancina   02. bach/break - steve erdody and jonathan rhys meyers

03. moondance - featuring jonathan rhys meyers (路易斯在天台上的清唱)   04. this time - jonathan rhys meyers (路易斯在酒吧舞臺唱的歌)   05.

bari improv - kaki king (小男孩奧古斯特在屋子彈的吉他曲)   06. ritual dance - kaki king(奧古斯特在廣場上彈的吉他曲)   07. raise it up - jamia simone nash and impact repertory theater(教堂裡黑人唱的歌曲)   08.

dueling guitars - heitor pereira and doug smith(奧古斯特與路易斯在廣場上的吉他合奏)   09. elgar/something inside - steve erdody and jonathan rhys meyers(路易斯在酒吧的第二首歌曲)   10. august's rhapsody - featuring freddie highmore - mark mancina(奧古斯特在**會指揮的**)   11.

someday - john legend   12. king of the earth - john ondrasik   13. god bless the child - chris botti and paula cole   14.

la bamba - leon thomas iii(黑人小男孩第一次在廣場唱的歌曲)   15. moondance - chris botti   16.washington square   17.

arpeggio theme   18.basketball to organ loft


this time - jonathan rhys meyers (路易斯在酒吧舞臺唱的歌)



01. main title - mark mancina 02. bach/break - steve erdody and jonathan rhys meyers 03.

moondance - featuring jonathan rhys meyers (路易斯在天台上的清唱) 04. this time - jonathan rhys meyers (路易斯在酒吧舞臺唱的歌) 05. bari improv - kaki king (小男孩奧古斯特在屋子彈的吉他曲) 06.

ritual dance - kaki king(奧古斯特在廣場上彈的吉他曲) 07. raise it up - jamia simone nash and impact repertory theater(教堂裡黑人唱的歌曲) 08. dueling guitars - heitor pereira and doug smith(奧古斯特與路易斯在廣場上的吉他合奏) 09.

elgar/something inside - steve erdody and jonathan rhys meyers(路易斯在酒吧的第二首歌曲) 10. august's rhapsody - featuring freddie highmore - mark mancina(奧古斯特在**會指揮的**) 11. someday - john legend 12.

king of the earth - john ondrasik 13. god bless the child - chris botti and paula cole 14. la bamba - leon thomas iii(黑人小男孩第一次在廣場唱的歌曲) 15.

moondance - chris botti 16.washington square 17.arpeggio theme 18.

basketball to organ loft





01. main title - mark mancina

02. bach / break - steve erdody and jonathan rhys meyers

03. moondance - featuring jonathan rhys meyers

04. this time - jonathan rhys meyers

05. bari improv - kaki king

06. ritual dance - kaki king

07. raise it up - jamia simone nash and impact repertory theater

08. dueling guitars - heitor pereira and doug smith

09. elgar/something inside - steve erdody and jonathan rhys meyers

10. august's rhapsody - featuring freddie highmore - mark mancina

11. someday - john legend

12. king of the earth - john ondrasik

13. god bless the child - chris botti and paula cole

14. la bamba - leon thomas iii

15. moondance - chris botti




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