求高手做一題目資料庫關係代數,急求 資料庫系統中的(關係代數)型別的題。 很重要。謝謝你們了。

2021-04-23 23:46:25 字數 2292 閱讀 7593


(1) select t.tname,t.titlefrom t inner join c on t.t=c.twhere c.cname="高等數學"

(2) select dlookup("cname","c","c='" & sc.c & "'") as cname

from s left join sc on s.s = sc.swhere s.sname="zhang" and sc.s is null

(3) select c.cname, c.cfrom c inner join sc on c.

c = sc.cwhere sc.s="s2" or sc.


(4) select s, sname

from s

where age>20 and ***="男"

求助 這道資料庫 關係代數表示式的題目 的答案



select cno ,cname ,teacher from c where teacher ='吳迪'


select * from s where

s.***='男' and age <20 or s .*** ='女'


select sname from s where sno in (select sno from sc where cno in (select cno from c where teacher ='吳迪' ))


select cname from c where cno in (select cno from sc where sno not in (select sno from s where sname ='李波'))


select sname from s where sno in (select sno from (select count (sno) as 'scnumber',sno from sc group by sno) scs where scnumber >=2)


select cname from c where cno not in (select cno from sc)


select sno from s where sno in (select sno from (select count (sno) as 'scnumber',sno from sc group by sno) scs where scnumber = (select count (distinct c .cname) from c ))


select sno from s where sno in (select sno from sc where cno in (select cno from c where teacher ='吳迪'))


select sno from s where dept >85 and sno in (select sno from sc where cno in (select cno from c where teacher ='吳迪'))


select cno from sc where sno = (select sno from s where sname ='王虎')


select sname from s where sno in ( select sc.sno from sc where sc.sno in(select sc.

sno from sc where sc.cno = (select c.cno from c where c.

cname ='c01'))and sc.cno=(select c.cno from c where c.

cname ='c02'))


select sno from s where sno not in (select sno from sc ) select * from sc


1 並 兩個關係需有相同的關係模式,並的物件是元組,由兩個關係所有元組構成。rus 2 差 答 同樣,兩個關係有相同的模式,r和s的差是由屬於r但不屬於s的元組構成的集合。r s 3 笛卡爾積 對兩個關係r和s進行操作,產生的關係中元組個數為兩個關係中元組個數之積。r s 4 投影 對關係進行垂直分...




1資料庫系統的基本概念 資料 實際上就是描述事物的符號記錄。資料的特點 有一定的結構,有型與值之分,如整型 實型 字元型等。而資料的值給出了符合定型的值,如整型值15。資料庫 是資料的集合,具有統一的結構形式並存放於統一的儲存介質內,是多種應用資料的整合,並可被各個應用程式共享。資料庫存放資料是按資...