尋找A friend in need is a friend indeed的故事

2021-04-01 02:28:28 字數 1004 閱讀 7604



但是這話還有起源麼? 不知道誒


a friend in need is a friend indeed.

two friends went to a forest.

one was very much honest,

and the other one was very bad,

daily, for their livelihood.

one day, they saw a wild bear,

almost ***ing close, very near.

the bad man climbed a nearby tree,

but the other one couldn't reach the tree.

he lied below the tree, posing as dead,

as he knew well, bears touch not any dead.

without moving his limbs, he held his breath.

the bear **elt his body lying in close to death.

after it went away without harming him,

the man from the tree asked him,

what the bear whispered into his ears,

when he remained with closed eyes?

'the bear told me not to trust such

selfish friends like you, very much,

and also said that a friend in need,

is really a friend in deed.'


蘇軾 1037 1101 享年64歲,又名蘇東坡,字子瞻,又字和仲,號 東坡居士 南宋高宗朝,贈太師,追諡號 文忠 眉州眉山 即今四川眉山 人,漢族,是父親蘇洵的長子,是北宋著名文學家 書畫家 散文家和詩人。嘉佑二年 1057 與弟轍同登進士。授大理評事,籤書鳳翔府判官。熙寧二年 1069 父喪守制...


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