
2021-03-09 09:02:23 字數 2917 閱讀 3830




i am a little bit of loneliness

a little bit of disregard

handful of ***plaints

but i help the fact

that everybody can see these scars

i am what i want you to want

what i want you to feel

but its like no matter what i do

i can't convince you

to just believe this is real

so i let go of watching you

turn your back like you always do

face away and pretend that i'm not

but i'll be here cause your all that i've got

i can't feel the way i did before

don't turn your back on me

i won't be ignored

time won't tell

there's damage anymore

don't turn your back on me

i won't be ignored

i am a little bit insecure

a little unconfident

cause you don't understand

i do what i can

but sometimes i don't make sense

what you never want to say

but i've never had a doubt

it's like no matter what i do

i can't convince you

for once just to hear me out

so i let go of watching you

turn your back like you always do

face away and pretend that i'm not

but i'll be here cause your all that i've got

i can't feel the way i did before

don't turn your back on me

i won't be ignored

time won't heal

there's damage anymore

don't turn your back on me

i won't be ignored


hear me out now

your gonna listen to me like it or not

right now!

hear me out now

your gonna listen to me like it or not

right now..

i can't feel

the way i did before

don't turn your back on me

i won't be ignored!!62616964757a686964616fe59b9ee7ad9431333264646561

i can't feel the way i did before

don't turn your back on me

i won't be ignored

time won't tell

there's damage anymore

don't turn your back on me

i won't be ignored

i can't feel

i won't be ignored

time won't tell

don't turn your back on me

i won't be ignored



找一首英文歌 高潮有句i can see 或者是 i can say 或者是i can't see 挺有激情的歌 ! 5


all i can say camarco


big big world


my heart will go on


《faint》 林肯公園的經典 變形金剛的主題曲


i believe i can fly


evanscence的bring me to life


pretty girl

i can swear. i can joke.


celine dion的 i'm alive


是不是這首 i can fly


因該說是chester演過電鋸 他還演過怒火攻心 演了兩部 都是跑龍套 沒什麼好看的 有部dark as day你可以關注下 演員表上有他和mike shinoda的名字 還在拍 似乎因為資金的原因不一定能拍成 林肯公園 革命之路 linkin park road to revolution liv...


當然不是了。林肯公園在美國還是很受歡迎了一段時間 可是美國樂壇新星層出不窮 現在一般啦 你不能講他們是美國第一組合,就像樓上講的美國的樂壇非常活躍,林肯現在已經是老前輩了。你可以講他們是美國最具商業價值的樂隊之一,08年專場最多的樂隊之一,呵呵。總之他們是非常優秀的樂隊。在美國,各種優秀的樂隊很多,...

林肯公園的in the end 配合dota音效的歌

找了一遍。還沒等找到,你就有了。恭喜你了。你很厲害的嘛。一首dota的 我記得以前有一首林肯公園的in the end 配合dota音效的歌,怎麼現在找不到 20 請問你找到了嗎。我也想找這個歌,底下說的什麼dota之歌不對 那個b站連結也不太對 名字叫dota之歌。我有這首,一開始是玻璃破碎的聲音...