
2023-01-31 19:15:18 字數 1362 閱讀 5343


1. yes,i did / no, i didn't2. yes,i did / no, i didn't3. i know 這不是問題

4. yes, i will / no, i willn't5. ok 這不是問題

6. i know 這不是問題

7. yes, i will / no, i willn't8. i know 這不是問題

9. i know 這不是問題

10. i know 這不是問題



1.has a raincoat been brought by you ?

2.has a piano concert been given by you?

3.english would be studied well by him.

4.would your room be cleaned by you?

5.my grandpa wouldn't be written to by me.

6.the children would be taken care of by the nurse.

7.would his sister be taken to the park by him?

8.we wouldn't be shown round the school by him.

9.a new coat is being worn by the boy.

10.model ships are being made by the girls.


1.was a raincoat brought by you?

2.was a piano concert givne by you?

3.english will be studied well by him.

4.will your romm be cleaned by you?

5.my grandpa won't be heard from me this eveing.

6.the children will be taken care by the nurse.

7.will his sister be taken to the park by him?

8.we won't be shown round the school by him.

9.a new coat is being worn by the boy.

10.model ships are being maked by the girls.


1由點到面,構建知識網路 對所學的知識點分步地進行梳理 歸納和總結,理清知識脈絡。從一個簡單的語法點或一個核心句型開始延伸,理清它們的變化形式 變化規律以及與時態 語態等的關聯。所謂由點到面,構建知識網路。2由面到點,加深記憶,查漏補缺 迴歸課本,查缺補漏,打好基礎。以單元為單位複習,回憶每單元所學...


the magazine an express way to english 是with的賓語 to help us是修飾the magazine an express way to english 的 不過這句英語不太好,當然只是想舉一個賓補的例子。如是想說這個意思,下面的說法更像英語 with ...


all,least hopeful threw,thrown rapidly granddaughter 16 little least 17 hopeful hope 18 threw thrown 19 rapidly 20 granddaughter 英語題目啊,求解答 19,i was fo...