to ones credit怎麼造句分別為為

2022-08-31 05:35:25 字數 1240 閱讀 7089


to his credit, tom contributed a lot to the success of the project.

to his credit, tom successfully controlled the mobbing crowd.

to one's credit怎麼造句分別 為為

用to one's credit怎樣造句

用to one's credit造句(要句意)

to one's credit怎麼造句分別 為為


to his credit, tom contributed a lot to the success of the project.

to his credit, tom successfully controlled the mobbing crowd.

to his credit, tom contributed a lot to the success of the project.

to his credit, tom successfully controlled the mobbing crowd.

用to one's credit怎樣造句

用to one.s credit造句考一百分對我來說是一種榮譽


to one's credit 為……帶來榮譽,值得讚揚,在……名下例句: to his credit,he has admitted his mistakes.值得表揚的是他認了自己的錯誤.

it is greatly to my credit that i got full marks in the exam。我考了100分值得表揚. 意譯:


to one's credit意思

to one's credit “值得讚揚某人的是”,後面連線完整句子,要不要在這個短語和句子中間新增逗號?



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