以different ways,different results為題,怎樣寫英語短文

2022-03-12 17:40:45 字數 1050 閱讀 4318



different ways make different results

the attitude towards the difficulties are different, different ways make different results.there are several attitude towards the difficulties, one is afraid of difficulties, to be intimidated by the difficulties, the other one is the courage to face the difficulties, and to overcome the difficulties.

which one is the way you treat your problems?

望採納 謝謝




以「a busy day」為題,用英語寫一篇短文詳細描述一下你最難忘的一天(不少於60詞)


today was sunday.at 7 o'clock,i got up and ate breakfast.then i

did my homework.in the afternoon,i went shopping with my mother.we were

ate food in the restaurant.it was tasty.we were went to the zoo.there

were many different animals.they were so cute.in the evening,i went to

the cinema with my parents.it was so boring.i was tired.today was a busy



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這個句式是出自一首歌 好樂day day day yi day yi day day 喋喋以喋以喋喋是什麼意思 喋喋以喋以喋喋 是什麼意思?李易峰上快樂大本營做遊戲時給自己起了個 喋喋 的外號,但是主持人杜海濤和吳昕都因為記不住喋喋這個名字而被淘汰出局 何炅就以一首歌的前奏,喋喋以喋以喋喋,來使其他...