
2021-03-07 16:43:01 字數 2754 閱讀 6197





feudal era, the national celebration of tfeudal era, the national celebration of tfeudal era, the national celebration of tfeudal era, the national celebration of tfeudal era, the national celebration of tfeudal era, the national celebration of tfeudal era, the national celebration of tfeudal era, the national celebration of tfeudal era, the national celebration of tfeudal era, the national celebration of tfeudal era, the national celebration of t國慶」,本意指國家喜慶之事,最早出現國慶節。

2023年12月3日,**人民**委員會第四次會議接受全國政協的建議,通過了《關於中華人民共和國國慶日的決議》,決定每年10月1日為中華人民共和國宣告成立的偉大日子,為中華人民共和國國慶日。december 3, 1949, the central people's government ***mittee on the fourth meeting of the cppcc national ***mittee, through the "resolution on the national day of the people's republic of china", decided to set up every year in october 1st, the people's republic of december 3, 1949, the central people's government ***mittee on the fourth meeting of the cppcc national ***mittee, through the "resolution on the national day of the people's republic of china", decided to set up every year in october 1st, the people's republic of december 3, 1949, the central people's government ***mittee on the fourth meeting of the cppcc national ***mittee, through the "resolution on the national day of the people's republic of china", decided to set up every year in october 1st, the people's republic of december 3, 1949, the central people's government ***mittee on the fourth meeting of the cppcc national ***mittee, through the "resolution on the national day of the people's republic of china", decided to set up every year in october 1st, the people's republic of december 3, 1949, the central people's government ***mittee on the fourth meeting of the cppcc national ***mittee, through the "resolution on the national day of the people's republic of china", decided to set up every year in october 1st, the people's republic ofdecember 3, 1949, the central people's government ***mittee on the fourth meeting of the cppcc national ***mittee, through the "resolution on the national day of the people's republic of china", decided to set up every year in october 1st, the people's republic of december 3, 1949, the central people's government ***mittee on the fourth meeting of the cppcc national ***mittee, through the "resolution on the national day of the people's republic of china", decided to set up every year in october 1st, the people's republic of




國慶 一詞最早見於西晉,原指國家喜慶之事。古時候歷朝歷代,往往將皇帝即位和誕辰稱為 國慶 而進入現代,國慶 在我國特指的是每年10月1日的國慶節1949年10月1日,中華人民共和國宣告成立。國慶 一詞 本指國家喜慶之事 最早見於西晉。西晉的文學家陸機在 五等諸個關論 一文中就曾有 國慶獨饗其利,主憂...


國慶節是由一個國家制定的用來紀念國家本身的法定假日。它們通常是這個國家的獨立 憲法的簽署 元首誕辰或其他有重大紀念意義的週年紀念日 也有些是這個國家守護神的聖人節。雖然絕大部分國家都有類似的紀念日,但是由於複雜的政治關係,部分國家的這一節日不能夠稱為國慶日,比如美國只有獨立日,沒有國慶日,但是兩者意...


在中國人民政治協商會議第一屆全國委員會第一次會議上,許廣平發言說 馬敘倫委員請假不能來,他託我來說,中華人民共和國的成立,應有國慶日,所以希望本會決定把10月1日定為國慶日。說 我們應作一提議,向 建議,由 決定。1949年10月2日,人民 通過 關於中華人民共和國國慶日的決議 規定每年10月1日為...