
2021-03-05 08:33:55 字數 774 閱讀 4015





"i want to tell you, i like you, i know, i said, you are unique

won't believe it, but i also don't know how i can like you

but the world is so wonderful, i do not mind age gap, i don't

luxury will you cherish me, but i just want to give expression to this love, i think

deliberately let oneself f***et you, but i can't do that, you might think this is the whole

you, but i didn't cheat you, this is true, i am no longer in the future

want to lie to yourself. "


i love you.i only love you.i love you.i will always love you s個的風格的風格實得分告訴對方國防生的風格的風格 上的風格實得分告訴對方公司的風格實得分公司的風格地方的風格 分公司的個 雖然你不喜歡我,但我會一直喜歡你,直到生命的結束這句話的...


i actually wanted to tell you that,i love you 希望對你有幫助!d actually,i want to tell you,i love you i love you i love you i lovu you actually,i want to tel...


生活是bai不能等別人來安排的,它要du自已去爭取和zhi 奮鬥。一輩子有dao耐心去做內一件事 這個世界容 太多,這也想做那也想做,多路出擊,最後一事無成。能沉下心來耐住寂寞做好一件事,這麼簡單的道理,也是很多人不懂的。人脈要遠些,人際要近些,所有利益驅使的並非深交,心神相映的方是至友。有一首歌 ...