
2021-03-04 04:15:35 字數 5555 閱讀 9461


be/feel sorry for…

help sb. (to) do sth./ with sth.

in/during class

before/after class

teach sb. to do sth.

wish you successful/success

as time goes by…

graduate from…

looking back to the past three years,…(用現在完成時態)

pass the (final) exam

stick to doing

keep you mind on your goals

make up one』s mind to do sth. (on sth.)

make a decision to do

work hard at english

once in a while/ at times/ now and then

from then on

in the future(將來)/ in future(從今以後)

increase our knowledge/ enlarge our vocabulary

in fact/as a matter of fact

in the beginning/ at first

feel like giving up

have trouble/difficulty in (doing) sth.

have (no) time to do

have experience in (doing) sth.

follow one』s advice/suggestions

master some basic … skills

be required to do

ask sb. for help

can』t wait to do

be supposed to do

encourage sb. to do

deal/do with …

work out/solve the problems

all sorts/kinds of…

at home and abroad

one of …

be full of…

七年級下冊英語 35











你指的是課件 還是教案





unit 1

my pron. 我的

name n. 名字

is v. 是

clock n. 時鐘

i pron. 我

am v. 是

i'm =i am

nice adj. 好的;令人愉快的

to part. 用於與動詞原形一起構成動詞不定式meet v. 遇見;相逢

you pron. 你;你們

what pron.& adj. 什麼

what's =what is

your pron. 你的;你們的

hello interj.(表示問候)喂

hi interj. (表示問候)嗨

his pron. 他的

and conj. 和;又;而且

her pron. 她的

question n. 問題;難題;詢問;疑問answer n. 問答;答覆;答案

look v. 看;望;看起來

first num. 第一

first name 名字

last adj. 最後的;上一個的

last name 姓氏

boy n. 男孩

girl n. 女孩

zero num. 零

one num. 一

two num. 二

three num. 三

four num. 四

five num. 五

six num. 六

seven num. 七

eight num. 八

nine num. 九

telephone n. **

number n. 數;數字

telephone number **號碼phone n. **;**機

phone number **號碼

it pron. 它

it's=it is

card n. 卡;卡片

id card (id=identification) 身份證family n. 家;家庭

family name 姓氏

unit 2

this pron.& adj. 這;這個pencil n. 鉛筆

pen n. 鋼筆

book n. 書

eraser n. 橡皮;鉛筆擦;黑板擦

ruler n. 尺;直尺

case n. 箱;盒;櫥

pencil case 鉛筆盒;文具盒

backpack n. 雙肩揹包

pencil sharpener 卷筆刀;鉛筆刀dictionary n. 字典;詞典

that pron.& adj. 那;那個yes adv. (表示肯定)是

no adv.(表示否定)不;不是

15. not (構成否定形式)不是adv.

16. isn't =is not

17. thank 感謝v.

18. ok 好;不錯 interj

19. in 用(表示方法,媒介,工具等)prep.

20. english 英語;英文n.

21. a 一個(只,把,臺……)art.

22. how (指程度)多麼;何等;怎樣adv.

23. do 做;幹;構成否定句、疑問句的助動詞v.& aux.

24. spell 拼寫v.

25. baseball 棒球n.

26. watch 手錶n.

27. ***puter 電腦;電子計算機n.

28. game 運動;遊戲n.

29. key 鑰匙n.

30. notebook 筆記本n.

31. ring 環(狀物);戒指n.

32. call 打** v.

33. at 在…(裡面或附近);

在…(點、刻);以 prep.

34. the 表示特指的人、物、事或群體art.

35. lost 丟失的;遺失的adj.

36. found (find的過去式,過去分詞)找回 v.

37. lost and found 失物招領38. please (祈使句用作請求的客套話)請interj39. school 學校 n.

40. a set 一套;一副

41. of (屬於)…的

42. excuse 原諒;寬恕 v.

43. excuse me 請原諒



take pictures(照相) watch insects(觀察昆蟲) pick up leaves(採摘樹葉)do an experiment(做實驗) catch butterfly(捉蝴蝶) honey(蜂蜜)count insects(數昆蟲) collect leaves(收集樹葉) write a report(寫報告)play chess(下棋) have a pi**ic(舉行野餐)young (年輕的) funny (滑稽可笑的) tall (高的) strong (強壯的)kind (和藹的;親切的) old (年老的) short (矮的) thin (瘦的)mr (先生) like (像;喜歡) strict (嚴格的) **art (聰明的;巧妙的)active (積極的;活躍的) quiet (安靜的;文靜的) very (很;非常) but (但是)monday (星期一) tuesday (星期二) wednesday (星期三) thursday (星期四)friday (星期五) saturday (星期六) sunday (星期天) day (天;日子)have (有;吃) on (在…..時候) do homework (做作業) watch tv (看電視)read books (讀書)eggplant (茄子) fish (魚) green beans (青豆) tofu (豆腐)potato (土豆) tomato (西紅柿) for (為;給) lunch (中餐;午飯)we (我們) tasty (好吃的) sweet (甜的) sour (酸的)fresh (新鮮的) salty (鹹的) favourite (最喜愛的;特別喜愛的)they are (他們是) fruit (水果) grape (葡萄)cook the meals (倒垃圾) water the flowers (澆花) sweep the floor (掃地)clean the bedroom (打掃臥室) make the bed (鋪床) set the table (擺飯桌)wash the clothes (洗碗碟) do the dishes (收拾衣服) use a ***puter (使用計算機)curtain (空調) trash bin (垃圾箱) closet (壁櫥) mirror (鏡子)end table (床頭櫃) bedroom (臥室) kitchen (廚房) bathroom (衛生間)living room (客廳) in (在…裡面) on (在…上面) under (在…下面)near (在..旁邊) behind (在…後邊) clothes (衣服)river (河流) flower (花) grass (草) lake (湖泊)forest (森林) path (路) park (公園) picture (**)house (房子) bridge (橋) tree (樹) road (公路)building (建築物) clean (乾淨的)


unit 4 don t eat in class.rule ru l n.規則 規章 arrive ra v v.到達 be on time 準時 hallway h lwe n.走廊 過道 hall h l n.大廳 禮堂 dining hall 餐廳 listen l s n v.聽 傾聽 l...

七年級下冊英語 新目標 單詞,新目標七年級下冊英語單詞

對棗莊 課文 http www.pep.com.cn ce czyy qnjx dzk 單詞表 http www.pep.com.cn ce czyy qnjx dzkb 200703 t20070315 345314.htm dssdf dsgasg fdjhgjd hgkdry nbfyg qw...


很多人為了工作從鄉村搬往城市。城市龐大而有趣,但是很吵鬧。交通擁擠,生活成本高。現在一些人想念鄉村生活。在鄉村,有很多帶著大院子的房子,空氣新鮮,生活安寧。許多人喜歡生活在那裡。手打,望採納 仁愛英語八年級下冊42頁2a翻譯和41頁1a的翻譯 1ak kangkang d darren m mich...