
2021-03-04 02:23:34 字數 1961 閱讀 7442


there you'll be 有你相依

when i 2)think back on these times, and 當我想起從前 還有

the dreams we 2)left behind 那些我們沒有完成的夢想

i'll be glad 3)『cause i was blessed to 我很高興因為在我的生命中

get, to have you in my life 有你是多麼幸運

when i 4)look back on these days, 當我回憶過去

i'll look and see your face 眼前就會浮現你的臉龐

you were right there for me 你總會在那守候著我

in my dreams i'll always see you soar 在我的夢裡

above the sky 我總是看見你架著飛機直衝雲霄

in my heart there'll always be a place 在我的心裡

for you, for all my life 永遠都會有你的一席之地

i'll keep a part of you with me 我會珍藏對你的記憶

and everywhere i am there you'll be 不論我到** 你都會如影隨形

and everywhere i am there you'll be 不論我到** 你都會如影隨形

well, you showed me how it feels, to feel 你讓我知道

the sky within my reach 觸控到頭頂的天空是什麼感覺

and i always will remember all 我會永遠記得

5)the strength you gave to me 你讓我感覺到的精神力量

your love made me 6)make it through 你的愛讓我堅持到底

oh, i 7)owe so much to you 這一切都是因為你

you were right there for me 你總會在那守候著我

in my dreams i'll always see you soar 在我的夢裡

above the sky 我總是看見你架著飛機直衝雲霄

in my heart there'll always be a place 在我的心裡

for you, for all my life 永遠都會有你的一席之地

i'll keep a part of you with me, 我會珍藏對你的記憶

and everywhere i am there you'll be 不論我到** 你都會如影隨形

『cause i always saw in you my life 在你身上

my strength 我能感到力量和生命的意義

and i 8)wanna thank you now for 我對你

all the ways 感激不盡

you were right there for me 你總會在那守候著我

you were right there for me 你總會在那守候著我

in my dreams i'll always see you soar 在我的夢裡

above the sky 我總是看見你架著飛機直衝雲霄

in my heart there'll always be a place 在我的心裡

for you, for all my life 永遠都會有你的一席之地

i'll keep a part of you with me, 我會珍藏對你的記憶

and everywhere i am there you'll be 不論我到** 你都會如影隨形

and everywhere i am there you'll be 不論我到** 你都會如影隨形

有沒有珍珠港主題曲There Youll Be的歌詞

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