急!用VB編寫程式,對輸入的字串進行識別,找出其中大寫字母 小寫字母 空格 數字及其他字元的個數

2021-07-01 02:07:52 字數 1735 閱讀 9186




dim intnumber as integer, intucase as integer, intlcase as integer, intspace as integer

dim i as integer, strtmp as string

intnumber = 0

intucase = 0

intlcase = 0

intspace = 0

for i = 1 to len(text1.text)

strtmp = mid(text1.text, i, 1)

if asc(strtmp) > 47 and asc(strtmp) < 58 then intnumber = intnumber + 1

if asc(strtmp) > 64 and asc(strtmp) < 91 then intucase = intucase + 1 '大寫字母個數

if asc(strtmp) > 96 and asc(strtmp) < 123 then intlcase = intlcase + 1

if asc(strtmp) = 32 then intspace = intspace + 1



option explicit


private sub command1_click()

dim intl as long, intu as long, ints as long, intn as long, into as long

dim i as long, char as string * 1

for i = 1 to len(text1.text)

char = mid(text1.text, i, 1)

select case char

case "a" to "z": intu = intu + 1

case "a" to "z": intl = intl + 1

case "0" to "9": intn = intn + 1

case " ": ints = ints + 1

case else: into = into + 1

end select


msgbox "textbox中的字串統計結果:" & vbcrlf & space(2) & "大寫字母:" & intu & "個" _

& vbcrlf & space(2) & "小寫字母:" & intl & "個" _

& vbcrlf & space(2) & "數字:" & intn & "個" _

& vbcrlf & space(2) & "空格:" & ints & "個" _

& vbcrlf & space(2) & "其它字元:" & into & "個", vbokonly or vbinformation, "統計字元輸出"

end sub






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