
2021-03-30 15:23:28 字數 651 閱讀 7644


1.to our surprise,he has eaten nothing for two days.

2.the stamps she collects are much more than me.

3.our team has signed up for entering the contest.

4.we expect you to eat dinner at 6.

your glassese doesn't match you well,please take it off.



1. to our surprise, he hasn't been eating for two days.

2. she collects more stamps than me.

3. our team has already registered to enter the contest.

4. we will expect you for dinner at six o'clock.

5. your glasses are not suitable for you, please take it off.


成群的蝴蝶和蜜蜂快樂地在五彩繽紛的花叢中飛舞 成群的蝴蝶和蜜蜂在五彩繽紛的花叢中快樂地飛舞。成群的蜜蜂和蝴蝶在五彩繽紛的花從中快樂的飛舞 在括號里加上合適的詞語,把句子寫具體 這是一座現代化的城市 有高聳的樓房 有 清雅的街道 有穿梭的車輛 有心曠神怡的公園。高聳 高高地直立。清雅 清新雅緻 的意思...


小題1 sleepy 小題2 death 小題3 wisdom 小題4 inactive 小題5 to stop 小題6 minutes 小題1 本句的含義為一般來說,人們在吃過大餐之後會感到睏倦,故本句空格處填睏倦的形容詞sleepy。小題2 本題的含義為露西對於她的寵物狗的死感到很難過,故本句空...

根據括號中所給的漢語寫出單詞,使句子意思完整正確。小題1 T

小題1 thousand 小題2 above 小題3 angrily 小題4 us 小題5 keep 試題分析 小題1 根據前文數次two及漢語提示,可知填數詞thousand,注意thousand在表示具體數字,和數詞連用時,用原形。小題2 句意 冬天這裡的溫度保持在零度以上。根據漢語提示及語境可...