
2021-03-04 04:09:33 字數 492 閱讀 2544


venation 英 [vɪ'neɪʃ(ə)n] 美 [vi'neʃən]

n. 脈絡;葉脈

例句:based on people's body is a conductor, supply people's body with bioelectricity n. then canmake the venation **ooth in a short time, during this period of time, there will be no pain inone's body.


seen from historical venation, the cultural construction of masculinity is various. 從歷史的脈絡看,男性氣質的文化建構是多樣的。


1.她想當什麼?她想當警察.who is she going to be she is to be a policeman.2.你姐姐想當什麼?who is your sister going to be 3.把它給我.give it to me.4.他總是從銀行取錢.he always gets ...


如果是傳統英餐裡的炸魚配土豆條,是fish and chips 如果是普通的炸魚,是fried fish 炸魚如果做動詞講,就是fry fishes 做名詞講,fried fishes fried fish fried fish bomb fish 很有趣吧 炸魚的英文,炸魚的翻譯,怎麼用英語翻譯炸...


翻譯成英文是packing 下圖是翻譯截圖 一箱裝多少件英文,一箱裝多少件英語翻譯 一箱裝多少件 有道翻譯 翻譯結果 a case of how many pieces how many pieces are there in a box?a case of how many pieces 集裝箱英...